Private Sheep 2 (2013) PC
Plight of the Zombie (2013) PC
Constant C (2013) PC
Tripps adventures (2013)
Храбрые гномы. Крадущиеся тени / Brave Dwarves. The Creeping Shadows (2006)
Incredipede (2013) PC
Angry Birds. Antology / Злые Птицы. Антология (2013)
The Showdown Effect - Digital Deluxe (2013) PC
Retro / Grade (2013)
Alien Spidy (2013) PC
Rayman Origins (Ubisoft)
Slam Bolt Scrappers (2013) PC
Go Home Dinosaurs! (2013) PC
Fruit Ninja (2012) PC
Scribblenauts Unlimited (2012) PC
Dollar Dash (2013) PC
Magic Orbz (2012)
Runner 2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien [2013]
The Cave (2013)
Маски-шоу (2005)